Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Oahu’s Primary Crisis Response Station Is Failing To Manage Its Own Self-Made Emergency

KSSK’s management is giving us a classic example of how not to react when the going gets tough. By not returning phone calls – which seems to be the standard operating procedure down at Clear Channel Communications – management is making things worse.

But the papers are spelling everybody’s name correctly, so it’s all good publicity, right? Ratings undoubtedly are higher than they were before Larry Price’s “blue-eye” comment, and as we’ve already heard from management, ratings are what’s important.

But speaking of ratings, the crown appears to have slipped slightly. The Star-Bulletin reports Cox Radio’s KRTR has moved ahead of KSSK in a “key demographic” group, the 25-to-54-year-old audience.

A Matter of Trust

KSSK is the station we’re supposed to turn to during our next island-wide crisis, when communication to the public becomes critical. Trouble is, the public is now killing the messengers for their lack of professionalism.

What are we to make of that?

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MISSION: To Ensure the Lahaina Fire Tragedy Will Be the Last Time Hawaii Emergency Management so Poorly Serves the Public

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