Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The "Comprehensive Communications Review Committee" Is Missing Something: The Public

Today's Honolulu Advertiser has a long story headlined "Governor wants quake information mess cleaned up". And to do it, she's appointed what she apparently called a "comprehensive communications review committee" that will include "managers and publishers of radio, television and print outlets, along with state officials, and recommend improvements within 60 days."

Not so fast with the "comprehensive" bit. Where's the public in this? Doesn't the Governor want to know what the public felt while in an information blackout on Sunday? Isn't emergency communications intended to keep the public informed? Without the public, what's the point?

This committee won't be "comprehensive" until it gives voice to the people who did not have their fears calmed about a possible tsunami, who did not know why the power was out and for how long and who wondered why 10 or more broadcast outlets were silent for hours or even until the next day.

Let's add some men and women to this committee who aren't in the media and Civil Defense. That would make it real.

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